Steve Mensing, Editor
Salisbury’s “Joker” equivalent recently tweeted a photo of a wanted poster taped on a Main Street pole in vibrant downtown Salisbury. According to the Batman comic book story line, Batman and Robin are much reviled in Gotham City due to the Gotham crime lords control of Gotham’s news media. The parallel between our County Commissioners Jim Sides and Craig Pierce and Batman and Robin is not lost on Rowan Free Press.
The masked stalwarts for clean, prudent, and transparent government Jim Sides and his sidekicks Craig Pierce and Mike Caskey last winter protected the taxpayers from building an over-priced Taj Mahal on mushy infill reeking of groundwater contamination. More recently City Hall created a brief charade of an LGC application lacking a ”no further action” letter from NCDENR. This all important letter needed to state the groundwater contamination was remediated and no further action was required. Without this letter the LGC would summarily reject the application. The lot’s groundwater remains contaminated.
Further Sides and his fellow Dark Knights marshaled the state legislature in de-annexing our County Airport from Salisbury who stymied the airports’ growth and development since Salisbury strong-armed it from the county. A win for Salisbury and the Rowan County alike.
The Joker’s father, upon learning of the Joker’s latest attempt at city-county bridge building, referred to the Joker’s tweeted photo: “This was almost as dumb as writing a hooker a check.”