Kenny Hardin, Candidate for Salisbury City Council
RANDOM MORNING THOUGHTS: This week leading up to early voting and Election Day, you will hear a lot of pretty words, flowery speech and seemingly heartfelt promises.
People will flood your mailbox with literature making a host of promises they will not keep.
People you never see every Sunday will visit your Church, sing off key, clap and sway off beat, and stay long enough just to make a short speech and they’re gone.
Don’t be fooled by all the pretty colored signs with the cute slogans so prevalent throughout our City. Some of the signs haven’t endured the weather and that might be a sign about the candidate and the validity of their message.
I haven’t and won’t do any of that. I have and will continue to keep it real. I’m cautioning you not to be fooled by theatrics, fancy words, and false promises.
Think about all the murders, the unsolved killings, the shootings, gangs, drug arrests, the Fibrant debacle, the empty and boarded houses, our young college graduates leaving our City, lack of jobs, and the growing racial tension.
Then ask yourself if Salisbury is in better shape than it was before the last election? Use that answer as to whether you should put the same people who are serving now or have served previously back into office.
It’s time for a TURNAROUND! Vote for Kenny Hardin!