RFP Staff/GunViolenceArchive.Org
♦ Another excellent source for accepted factual crime statistics besides the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) statistics is the Gun Violence Archive which supplies daily updates about gun-related violence in every area of the United States. You can get an accurate portrait of gun related violence in Salisbury, N.C., any county in North Carolina, or anywhere in the United States. They even supply computer generated maps of gun violence in a specific city or county. Gun Violence Archive is not an advocacy group either pro or con for firearms. To learn more about Gun Violence Archive read their mission statement:
Gun Violence Archive (GVA) Mission Statement:
“Gun Violence Archive (GVA) is a not for profit corporation formed in 2013 to provide free online public access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States. GVA will collect and check for accuracy, comprehensive information about gun-related violence in the U.S. and then post and disseminate it online, primarily if not exclusively on this website and summary ledgers at http://www.facebook.com/gunviolencearchive. It is hoped that this information will inform and assist those engaged in discussions and activities concerning gun violence, including analysis of proposed regulations or legislation relating to gun safety usage.
GVA is not, by design an advocacy group. The mission of GVA is to document incidents of gun violence and gun crime to provide raw, verified data to those who need to use it in their research, advocacy or writing.”