Kenny Hardin, Salisbury City Councilman
♦ I’m extremely proud to be a part of the Tsunami Literacy Development Program. We are truly making a difference in the lives of kids in our City. We have a great group of Volunteers who give unselfishly of their time, knowledge and expertise to the kids.
Not only are they improving their literacy and reading comprehension skills, the students are also being immersed in the arts as well. A huge thanks to Craig and Melissa Pierce for implementing the guitar program.
Each week, I provide a 30 minute Character Development component. Today I spoke to the students on understanding the difference between character and reputation, gaining respect, building self respect, how to sit and stand properly, shaking hands properly, eye contact, effective speech and the importance of saying “Yes Ma’am” and “No Sir.”
The kids were very engaged, asked a lot of questions and practiced what they learned. Next week, we will focus on public speaking.
If you have a 3rd-5th grader or would like to volunteer, please reach out to Ebony Roberts Harris. We need male volunteers.