Rowan Undercover
♦Revealed in covert conversations with Rowan Concerned Citizens (RCC) and an another like-minded groups, following the infamous N.C. Blue Print to harm local Republican elected officials, are the following strategies:
• Accuse the county commissioners of being bullies. Commissioners Jim Sides, Craig Pierce, and Mike Caskey are commonly targeted in this strategy. The RCC members are urged to employ this tactic in Letters-to the-Editor elsewhere and postings on RCC related websites.
• Accuse the County Commissioners of being contentious and uncooperative. The RCC and the county commission’s opposition frequently use the contentious tactic in both letters-to-the-editors elsewhere, in public commenting periods, and in posts specifically designed to harm the reputations of the county commissioners. A close examination of the county commissioner’s record demonstrates they do make concessions and attempt to meet others half way. The county commissioners regularly meet with those holding opposing viewpoints for lengthy discussions. The idea that the county commissioners so called “fight” with the city is claimed to harm the area’s reputation and drive away business. Clearly conflicts occur between hundreds of prospering municipalities and their prospering counties all across the United States and these conflicts do not chase away business.
• Accuse the County Commissioners of not being transparent in their dealings. The RCC sends their people out to write letters to the city’s newspaper accusing the county commissioners of not being transparent. The county commissioner’s have been found as exemplary for their transparency by the John Locke Society. Further they answer Freedom of Information Acts, unlike a certain municipal government, and have set aside a transparency page on the Rowan County website.
• Accuse the County Commissioners of being “unwelcoming” as well as finding their micro second mentioning of Jesus name in a prayer as being “offensive”. This tired strategy gets repeated often by different agents of the RCC during public comment periods at the county commissioners and elsewhere. This tactic is not to protect the separation of church and state–it is purely to smear the county commissioners as against diversity and being unwelcoming. It’s a bit odd that people feel “unwelcomed” or “deeply offended” by our friendly county commissioners. Why do these two words keep cropping up during public comment? Perhaps those who feel “unwelcomed” at the county commissioners ought to avail themselves of a therapist so they can locate the roots of their alienation. And if they are deeply offended by a two syllable word uttered in a micro second, perhaps they might question the psychological baggage they carry toward this name and their overreaction. Might be better than attempting to control others’ free speech.
• The “who died and made me queen” strategy where someone claims anointed status and demands the commissioners create a strategic master plan for Mall utilization. A self-proclaimed “listener” who speaks from the “we” position and who is not elected to public office, huffily commands the county commissioners to follow her directives. She speaks for no one save the RCC and downtown special interests.