RFP Staff
♦ According to Salisbury Police sources Thelma’s Downtown, a popular downhome eatery on 105 E. Fisher Street, was the victim of a “burglary-unlawful entry” on Friday at approximately 12:15 a.m.
The burglar, described as a dark bearded white male, wearing a baseball cap, a t-shirt, and pants, was reported to have walked through an unlocked front door of Thelma’s. A surveillance camera caught the early morning activity in which the burglar first tried to open the cash register before he pulled out the plug and carted it out the front door. Further up E. Fisher he dumped the cash register behind the Norvell Theater at the end of the block. Hopefully the Salisbury Police will post surveillance camera stills from the burglary.
According to the police event report $300 in cash and 2 credit cards (valued at $2) were stolen from the “Casino” cash register.
Manifest of stolen items from the Salisbury Police Event Report:
Thelma’s Downtown at 105 E. Fisher Street, Salisbury, N.C.:
Location Thelma’s Downtown, 105 E. Fisher Street, Salisbury, N.C.:
Citizens having any knowledge about this crime are urged to call the Salisbury Police at 704-638-5333. If you fear retribution, want to remain anonymous and possibly collect a reward of up to $1,000, information can be submitted 24/7 via the web: http://tips.salisburyrowancrimestoppers.org/ or by calling the Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.
**This article will be updated as more information becomes available.**