Joe Coladarci, Republican Candidate for County Commissioner
♦ On a beautiful Tuesday night 200 Rowan County Republicans came together at the Cornerstone Event Center where the food and the surroundings were first rate.
We were treated to Lt. Governor Dan Forest’s vision of NC’s future: “Disruptive Change” and his vision is definitely 20/20.
Chuck Hughes was awarded the 2013 Noreen Foster Volunteer of the Year.
Commission Vice-Chairman Craig Pierce was awarded the 2013 Republican of the year.
Steven Kidd as MC and John Leatherman, Republican Chairman kept the evening rolling along. The National anthem was beautiful song by Candice Jordan, Lindsey Thomas and Taylor Ford. Our Color Guard was by the East
Rowan Jr. ROTC. Edward Whitney a young local actor was a very convincing in his reading of Paine and Jefferson.
The purpose of the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner is twofold. First to bring Republicans together “to rally the Troops: for the upcoming 2014 election. The second was to raise a war chest for the upcoming elections. Both were accomplished and I am proud to have worked with the committee to get this together.
(The Rowan Free Press will present a video of Lt. Dan Forest’s “Disruptive Change” talk at the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner in the very near future)