RFP Staff
♦ A Photographic Essay of Downtown Salisbury, N.C.’s Meltdown into Despair, Vacant Store Fronts, and Vandalism.
As working class citizens melt away from Salisbury and its downtown streets become more dangerous with the rise of crime, poverty, and vandalism, a once bustling community visually reflects its new status as the statistical “per capita” 9th rated “Most Dangerous City in North Carolina”. A city where “pay for play” rules, where meth, crack, and heroin are epidemic, and where violence, break-ins, and gang activity are part of everyday life. In November of 2015 the citizens of Salisbury can make a difference by cleaning out city hall and supporting a long required “turnaround”.
Okie Dokey:
The Rear of a Downtown Property:
Yuletide in the South Main Bad Lands:
Bench Warmers Façade swaddled in Tyvek wrap:
200 block of the South Main Bad Lands where “King Heroin” rules:
Two alleged downtown vandals captured:
The aftermath of a “rocking”:
The sign in the window before Cartucci’s Restaurant shut down operations:
A vandalized building on Depot Street. Widows Smashed by a “rocking” assault:
The Kress Building defiled by gang tags and graffiti:
Billy Floyd Pless, Jr., the “one man human crime wave” often seen cruising Main Street in his motorized wheelchair:
Gang tag pics on North Main:
“Heaven’s Beauty” closed forever:
After ceasing operations, Foremz with a chain securing the premises from break-in artists:
Dump on East Innes:
Vacant “Lasting Impressions” in the South Main Bad Lands:
An old duffer rides in a cart pulled by a lawn tractor on Council Street: