Jonathan Morris, U.S. Army Ranger Ret., Rowan County Sheep Baron
♦Yesterday’s Public Commentary delivered to “Commissioner” Jon Barber:
One of our County Commissioners appeared at the September 3rd city council meeting, quoting from “The Book of Jonah”, lecturing about “self-righteous indignation”, and quoting scripture to denigrate and chastise his fellow county commissioners as “hard-headed” and “self-righteous”. Claiming that he alone had pledged to “work for the betterment of the community”, he concluded with a declaration that “the public WILL be watching”. Of course, this was music to the ears of city councilors and the Salisbury Post.
This evening, I come before the this board of commissioners without assertion of moral superiority to anyone. But as a taxpaying citizen of this county, a veteran who has served our country, and a Bible-believing Christian, I find it personally offensive when one of my elected officials attempts to use SCRIPTURES to belittle and denigrate his fellow commissioners. I have two scriptural passages for this board’s edification. They both come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible:
First is I Corinthians 6:10, which says, “Nor THIEVES, nor covetous, nor DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
The second and final is Galatians 6:7, which says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
I ask the Commissioner who addressed city council to please take heed: GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!
You have the least room of anyone in this room to talk about “self-righteous indignation”. And you WILL reap what you have sown, Commissioner BARBER!
I hereby call for your resignation from the board on the grounds that you’re not a good leader, you’ve proven you’re not a good leader. Your fellow commissioners know it. The Public knows it. The county knows it.
To the RFP:
I stand fully behind what I said last night at the county commissioners meeting to John Barber. Too long he has gone reeling through life with his usual excuses. Who knows what is on his mind? Only his God knows and if he’s lucky Jon’s sponsor. “Commissioner” Barber has careened down Rum Lane and Denial Road for too long. He dodged the bullet after he showed up tanked in front of those school kids and resigned before the school system could give him his walking papers for irresponsible behavior. He learned nothing from his DWI’s or from his stealing a $2.99 bottle of Wild Irish Rose from a Rushco and got caught on camera. No doubt he believed he had a right to that cheap wine like he allegedly believes he has a right to abuse county property.
Jon Barber needs to thoughtfully review his mug shots in “Slammer News” and read his probation papers. Reality is a balm for those who regularly deny it. The “Wild Irish Rose of Mount Ulla” needs to recognize the truth of his life instead of showing up as a wolf-in-sheep’s clothes and playing to the city council and his pals at the Post with his phony self-righteousness.
I hope for Jon’s sake if the county risk manager uncovers the evidence proving Jon’s overzealous misuse of county property that a felony case goes to the SBI and the prosecutors. Our government doesn’t need high and mighty parasites. Some individuals best do their “inventory” in a small bare room where only the light of truth shines through its barred windows.