RFP Staff
♦We’re forever fascinated by Salisbury’s inability to “share” with the rest of the county or even the “other” Salisbury–those unfortunates dwelling outside of Salisbury’s entitled downtown, historic districts, or country club areas. Basically Salisbury outsider neighborhoods get the crumbs and limited services. If you’ve been forcibly annexed, you were virtually pickpocketed by the city and got little in return. You are Salisbury’s indentured servants. And if you are unfortunate to live in the County you often get to see much of your county tax dollars being swilled by Salisbury’s establishment for their “projects” if they get their candidates on the county commission.
Entitled Salisbury more recently tried to build the Downtown Central Office on the County taxpayers dime. The county already said no in the 2012 election. But the entitled Salisbury, like a small undisciplined child, keeps up their din until it gets its way. Their alleged newspaper twists and distorts the county commissioners words and propagandizes them into monsterhood. Downtown merchants cry and stamp their feet in their utter deservingness–only we deserve economic impact. (You might discover the mysteries of economic impact if you actually sold items people desired and needed. Take a step back and observe the Tinseltown area, the Wal-Mart area, and Wallace Commons). Being the center of the known universe and not considering your fellow beings in ”untouchable” Salisbury and the County has its shortcomings. You become self-absorbed and fail to take a realistic view of your actual place in the universe. It’s self-defeating to fight with the rest of the city and the county and then blame them for being contentious, against progress, and even Salisbury Haters.
For entitled Salisbury’s edification and to get a grasp of their limited and dying place in the universe: