Ed Martin, Kannapolis, NC
♦”There’s a sucker born every minute.” P.T. Barnum
Thank you Steve for telling it like it is about the Carolina Thread Trail that for two years paraded around claiming Rowan County approved them when they never did. Such organizations exist only because a handful of glassy-eyed nature cultists get suckered into it and don’t give a moment’s consideration that county taxpayers eventually are forced foot the bill for maintaining and securing these unused trails.
Someone please show me a part of Rowan where someone can’t walk, run, or bicycle? Why do a handful of people demand to walk over a paved path for hundreds of miles? Take the sidewalk some Saturday morning and walk around and around it for a few hours til you drop. There’s already paths galore all over Rowan. What’s stopping anyone?
People need to know who profits off these “Its for the Earth” scams. The guys running these nature trail non profits score big. Look at their salaries. That will tell you plenty.
Someone needs to check out these groups history with eminent domain. Look real close. Its public record that Gastonia grabbed farmland for thread trails. Should anyone ever trust any municipality who once forcibly annexed someone or grabbed land? You know they’ll hide behind these nature groups in a heartbeat.