Tony Treece, Oath Keeper/
On January 31, 2014, I wrote “Congressman Richard Hudson has trashed our Constitution and Bill of Rights!”
Please I beg you citizens of the 8th Congressional District to do 30 minutes of research on NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, and I am very sure you will agree this strongly violates our great Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In case you did not read my post on Rowan Free Press check it out on January 31st:
In case you have been busy struggling to make a living and have failed to follow Progressive Richard Hudson’s voting record and have only been listening to the “noise” the Republican Rhinos are putting out, please permit me to bring you up to date on the “guy” so many have put their full confidence in. You know, the Robin Hayes recruit. You know, the guy who was the deciding vote to send thousands of local jobs overseas with NAFTA. You know, the guy who has caused hundreds of people to lose their life savings while searching for a new career. You know, the guy who can smile at you and stick a knife in your back while he is still smiling at you. Oh, I’m sorry for getting off track for a moment. Back to Progressive Richard Hudson’s voting record and then I will share with you how Hudson has trashed our Constitution once again.
FreedomWorks has a very important update on the downward slide of Richard Hudson. FreedomWorks’s voting record for the Dishonorable Congressman Richard Hudson is 33%!
Just to put Progressive Hudson’s voting record into perspective with perhaps some names you know in comparison: Ted Cruz is 100%, Mike Lee is 100%, and Rand Paul is 98% in voting the way of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
Congressman Richard Hudson joined hand-in-hand with Kay Hagan to promote Obama’s tyrannical takeover of the United States of America in December and again in 2014. I think it is past time for all of us to get mad as heck and start firing Progressive Republicans like Richard Hudson!
Our great founding fathers of our Constitution would be turning over in their graves if they knew who we continue to allow to represent our 8th District of North Carolina! In the name of our Lord, when will we wake up?
Yes, Richard Hudson stands right beside Kay Hagan in giving Obama greater power.
After only one year of “serving” on the United States Homeland Security committee, Hudson has made even deeper friends with his DC insider Progressive buddies who have no regard for our Constitution and could not care less who voted him into office.
Hudson is not ashamed to state publicly that in the past that he “could jump right into office once elected” because of his “service under” Robin Hayes. I say it’s past time for Hudson to jump right out of office.
8th District of North Carolina, do you really want Hudson to be reelected? If he is reelected he will then secure his Lifetime Retirement and Benefits at our expense! I cannot even think of having to support the likes of Hudson for the rest his life! This man has sold us out! Is it not time to vote out all of the treasonous traitors?
Since I will assume the sophistication of your understanding, if you are a true Constitutional Conservative, examine the public record and see who is financially supporting Progressive Hudson. I’ll give you one, John Boehner’s freedom project. Boehner’s group gave Hudson $10,000.00 to get their man elected!
Dishonorable Richard Hudson trashes the 4th Amendment that guarantees our rights to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. The current version of CISPA threatens to throw out the Constitution “whenever something bad happens.”
Obama and Richard Hudson’s powerful HR 624 CISPA bill will now be closer to allowing federal intelligence agencies to share cyber security intelligence and information with private entities and utilities. CISPA would turn Google, Facebook and Twitter into legally immune government spies, and Hudson just helped it pass in the House!
Hudson is doing everything within his power to back up the Obama regime and destroy our great country! Obama and Hudson are on the same side much of the time and Hudson’s FreedomWorks voting score proves this, with Hudson’s failing grade of 33%!
8th District, how much more of Congressman Richard Hudson can we stand?
Richard Hudson and Robin Hayes raised between $1,500,000.00 and $2,000,000.00 to see to it that Richard Hudson won this past election in 2012. Is there anyone or any group of people in America who would be willing to invest $1,500,000.00 to $2,000,000.00 to see to it that Richard Hudson is not reelected and that we get a statesman with beliefs such as Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, or Rand Paul representing our 8th District of North Carolina?
Whether you agree or disagree, if you happen to know where I can locate $2,000,000.00, I will consider this as proof that the Lord is calling me to run against Richard Hudson, and I will surrender to the Lord’s will and run against Richard Hudson. If I’m not the man, please find the man or woman to run against Hudson. I am not looking for a job, but if I am the man for the gap that needs to be filled, I will step up and stand in that gap for your children and grandchildren. I have been married for 37 years and am a dad and granddad. I am the Founder and President of a 30-year-old company called TreeceCo. I have no skeletons in my closet.
If you would like to read and listen to more about me as a vetting process you may go to the following sources: – – –
A strong Conservative Constitutionist needs to stand up and take the lead and run against Richard Hudson. The following is a list of Congressman Richard Hudson’s great violations:
1. Voting for HR 624 – the (CISPA) Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
2. Voting for HR 1960 – the (NDAA) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014
3. Concurring with Senate Amendment HR 3547 – Omnibus Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014
4. House Resolution 99 – Rule providing for consideration of HR 933 (the Continuing Resolution to fund the United States government)
5. HR 933 – Continuing Resolution to fund the United States government
6. HR 1947, 2642 – Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (Farm Bill)