Larry Wright, Rowan County, N.C.
Recently Paul Fisher said: “If our leaders refuse to work together, then we need to find leaders who will.” I agree. There are 12 elected bodies in our county: The School Board and the boards of 10 towns and the commissioners.
The two elected boards that have trouble working with the Commissioners are the School Board, and the Salisbury City Council. The Commissioners don’t have difficulty working with the 9 elected boards of the other towns. If the commissioners are working well with 9 elected boards, but have difficulty with 2, one would conclude the trouble is not caused by the Commissioners, but caused by the two boards.
The solution is to elect a new school board and a new Salisbury City Council that can work with our commissioners. The city council is supposed to represent Salisbury residents. The School Board is responsible for schools. The County Commissioners are responsible for providing all needed services for our entire county.
Mr. Fisher, as well as Mark Lewis and Brian Miller, all are on the Board of Directors of DSI, have another interest in this year’s race commission race. Their banks loaned money to DSI to buy the Empire Hotel, but DSI can’t seem to develop and sell it, leaving the banks on the hook.
The School Board is involved as they joined with DSI in choosing 329 South Main for the school offices. DSI figured this would stimulate interest in developing and selling the Empire Hotel. Presto–the banks would get their money back and all would be happy. You see, they all have a vested interest in this year’s Commission race. Unlike Obama, who bailed out bad investments made by his friends, the Commissioners refused to bailout DSI and the banks. Our commissioners represent all county residents and are doing what is best for all–not just for the special interest of DSI. Now you know why the School Board has refused to build on any site other than 329 S. Main.
Since the Commissioners would not bail out DSI and the banks, the push began to replace Commissioners with those who will play ball with the special interests. County residents and residents of towns other than Salisbury had better be sure they know the stand of the commission candidates on two issues: the school offices at 329 S. Main and the purchase of the Salisbury Mall. If the candidates are FOR the School offices at 329 S. Main and against the Salisbury Mall purchase, it means they will represent Salisbury’s special interests well, but could care less about anyone else. Watch your wallet if they get elected.
A commissioner recently said that giving the school board all the money they want to raise the county tax rate by 12.4%. Another Commissioner said giving the schools and the county departments what they want would increase our tax rate by 36%. Be sure you understand candidates views on taxes before casting your votes. Tow commissioners who will not cave in and vote a bailout for DSI and the bankers are Jim Sides and Joe Coladarci. Jim Sides has always said he will keep our county taxes as low as possible. He has never voted for a tax increase. Joe Coladarci feels the same way.
Keep more of your money by voting for Commissioners that will represent you and not the special interests of Salisbury and the bankers.