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Who defines a “Governmental Economic Development Site” under the Broadband Bill?


RFP Staff

♦ It was a bit unclear today, when I picked up Rowan County Commission Agenda and saw that the Rowan County Commissioners scheduled for approval on Monday’s consent agenda an item, “Authorize City of Salisbury to Extend Fibrant to Summit Corporate Park and Chamandy Drive.” You can find in more detail in the PDF. information packet attached to the agenda.

I looked up the enabling statute and I suppose the following excerpt from the “Broadband Bill” is the vehicle they intend to use: NCGS § 150A-340.2(c)(3)(b) – The Rowan County Board of Commissioners shall vote to approve service extension to any governmental economic development site, governmental facility, school or college owned by Rowan County.”

While there may be an argument that two businesses in a county developed business park are part of a “governmental economic development site,” that seemed to be a bit of a stretch. But there is no statutory definition—at this time—of what constitutes a “governmental economic development site”.

Since about a month after our state legislature passed the ‘broadband bill’, the City of Salisbury removed over $7.6 million from the Salisbury-Rowan Utilities water reserve fund as a “loan” that they’ve not made serious efforts to repay. They entered a contract in 2000 with the Town of Spencer covenanting not to spend water revenues on “any other operation”, which they’ve done repeatedly. And water revenue is a likely source to finance the extension of Fibrant, directly or indirectly, into the area on tomorrow’s consent agenda.  Fibrant was built as a monument to Salisbury’s folly, and it has not only drained that city’s coffers, depriving its residents of vital first responder service needs, but has ripped off SRU’s utility customers by siphoning off funds, and neglecting capital water/sewer infrastructure replacements. Were Salisbury to find itself in a predicament like Flint, Michigan, where they lacked funds to replace neglected infrastructure, then you could fully expect the City of Salisbury to seek emergency financial assistance from the Federal and State government.

All this is authorized under Salisbury’s exemption to the Broadband Bill. And they will continue to burn through local and regional funds like tomorrow doesn’t exist.

Unless the legislature decides that enough is enough, and enacts some changes and accountability to Salisbury’s exemption in the broadband bill.

Leonard Road Murder Victim Identified as Amanda Kay Smith of Salisbury. Pair, Arrested near Myrtle Beach, Face Murder Charges


RFP Staff

♦ The murder victim, found partially burned on the side of the road of 3000 block of Leonard Road in Northern Rowan County, has now been identified as Amanda Kay Smith, 33, of 245 Honeysuckle Lane in Salisbury. The woman’s tattoos assisted the N.C. Medical Examiners in her identification. Smith is survived by a young son and her parents who live in Lenoir, N.C. 

Arrested near Myrtle Beach, Horry County, S.C. for the alleged murder of Amanda Kay Smith were Timothy Clarence Smith, Jr., 30, of Kannapolis and Stephanie Dawn Hall, 30, Salisbury.  The two suspects in custody face charges of murder (first degree, robbery, and arson (second degree) and are expected to be transported back to Rowan County unless they decide to fight extradition from South Carolina.

On Friday Amanda Kay Smith’s mobile home on Honeysuckle Road was destroyed by an alleged arson.  The torching of Smith’s home occurred close to the time her body showed up on Leonard Road and a link between the arson and the murder were made by Rowan County Sheriff’s Office detectives.

Amanda Kay Smith was last seen at an undisclosed Salisbury location with Timothy Clarence Smith and Stephanie Dawn Hall. The pair were eventually arrested in an alleged stolen car after wrecking it in Horry County after Horry County Sheriff’s deputies attempted to bring them to justice. The pair was arrested Sunday at 9:30 a.m. The victim allegedly knew her two killers.

At this time no motive or method of killing has been revealed.

The murder victim Amanda Kay Smith of Salisbury:

Timothy Clarence Smith, Jr.:

Stephanie Dawn Hall:

Timothy Clarence Smith’s Previous Record:


Stephanie Dawn Hall’s Previous Record:


If you have information about this crime please contact Lt. Chad Moose at (704-216-8687 or Sgt. Carl Dangerfield 704-216-8683.

The June 17th RFP Article: “Burned Female Corpse Dumped on the Side of the Road in Northern Rowan County. Case Being Treated as a Homicide”

At approximately 6:30 p.m. Friday 911 dispatch received a call from a driver on the 3000 block of Leonard Road near Bluebird Lane and the upper region of High Rock Lake in Northern Rowan. The driver reported a female body was sprawled on a grassy shoulder of Leonard Road.

When Sheriff’s Office deputies and Miller’s Ferry Fire Department arrived, they came upon an unidentified female and attempted to render assistance. The woman was dead and showed signs of being badly burned. It was yet to be determined if she died on Leonard Road or elsewhere. It is also unknown how the woman was killed.

The crime scene was being treated as a homicide. Yellow crime scene tape stretched between two Sheriff’s office vehicles on Leonard Road and shutdown traffic until 11 a.m. The investigation continued most of the morning with detectives knocking on doors and speaking with neighbors.

The woman’s identity may be revealed by her tattoos. Because of the extent of her burns it is difficult to determine her ethnicity. She was sent to the medical examiner this morning in Raleigh in hopes of being medically able to determine her identity.

A long stretch of 3000 Leonard Road:

3000 Leonard Rd

**This article will be updated as more information arrives throughout the day.**

Video: Rowan County Commission Meeting at 6 P.M. on Monday June 20th

Salisbury City Council Agenda Highlights for Tuesday June 21st at 5 P.M. Public Commenting Today!


RFP Staff

Salisbury City Council Agenda Highlights for Tuesday June 21st at 5 P.M.:

• Mayor Proclaims the Commemoration of the 5oth Anniversary of Vietnam War on June 26th, 2016.

Council to receive public comment.  Comment will be opened at approximately 6 p.m. or at the end of the meeting whichever comes first.

• Council to consider a 2nd reading of an ordinance regarding CD-01-2016.  The Abbey, to rezone approximately 1.5 acres at 128 North Fulton Street from Urban Residential to Residential Mixed-Use with a Conditional District Overlay.  Great way to diminish the quality of life in a neighborhood with increased noise, parking challenges, and more so that an architect/renovator pal of the mayor and a councilman or two can score.  So Salisbury.

• Approve a request from AT&T to place 125 handholds and 16,538 feet of innerduct in the public right-of-way in accordance with Section 11-24(27) of the city code. (More fiberoptic is being layed in Salisbury).

• Council to consider awarding a contract to Downtown Salisbury Inc. in the amount of $131,500 for services in the Municipal Services District for FY2016-2017.

• Council to consider a request to the Rowan County Board of Commissioners regarding a $40,000 appropriate for a dog park.

And more!



Timothy Smith, Jr. and Stephanie Hall, Alleged Killers of Amanda Smith in Salisbury, Locked up in the Rowan County Detention Center


RFP Staff

♦ Tuesday Timothy Clarence Smith, Jr. 30, of Kannapolis and Stephanie Dawn Hall, 30, of Salisbury, the alleged killers of Amanda Kay Smith, 245 Honeysuckle Road in Salisbury and the mother of a young son, were transported from Horry County, South Carolina to the Magistrate’s Office on West Liberty Street where they were charged and brought in handcuffs to the Rowan County Detention Center.

Smith was charged with murder (first degree) (felony), common law robbery (felony), and arson (2nd degree) felony.  Without bond, he is being held in the Rowan County Detention. His first hearing will be on June 24th.

Hall was charged with murder (first degree) (felony),  common law robbery(felony), larceny (misdemeanor), arson (2nd degree) (felony), forgery of an instrument(felony), and uttering a forged instrument (felony). Without bond, she is now in the Rowan County Detention Center. Her first hearing will be on June 24th.

More than a few people in Bible Belt Rowan County pray for swift and unmerciful justice for the pair of alleged killers who reportedly dumped the partially burned mother’s corpse on the side of 3000 Leonard Road in the Northern Part of the county.

Timothy Clarence Smith, Jr.:

Stephanie Dawn Hall:

The Victim Amanda Kay Smith:

The trailer home on 245 Honeysuckle Lane where Amanda Kay Smith and her son lived prior to the alleged fire that decimated the dewlling:

**This article will be updated as new information arrives.**

Photo Gallery: Grand Opening at the Rowan County Veteran Services Office on Tuesday June 21st at the West End Plaza


RFP Staff/Photos by County Commissioner Mike Caskey

♦ Tuesday June 21st marked the Grand Opening at the Rowan County Veteran Services Office at the West End Plaza. Veterans and local luminaries packed the opening. For the first time in years the Veteran Service officers will be able to conduct business in offices providing both space and privacy for their clients. Rick Johnson, a Veteran Service Officer was everywhere yesterday proudly showing his new digs to visitors. He certainly will feel relieved at leaving his bedouin existence behind which included temporary stays at a building on Old Concord Road and the Rufty-Holmes Senior Center.

Veteran Service Officer Rick Johnson new office at the West End Plaza:

Tom Harrell, in his 90s and a World War II Vet of the China/Burma/India Theater, can be seen bringing up the rear of a line of visitors. Tom is wearing a baseball hat and is behind the veteran coffee gathering Thelma’s Down Home Cooking at the West End Plaza. On the far left of the photo is County Commission Chairman Greg Edds.

Rowan County Commissioner Craig Pierce can be seen standing in an office window talking with visitors:

Veterans and their families enjoying an open house “spread”.

Veterans and their families enjoying themselves at the open house in the VSO’s spacious new quarters.

General Assembly Short Session Recap from N.C. Sen. Tom McInnis


Press Release

♦ We have concluded a busy legislative short session here at the General Assembly. As your senator, I felt it was important for me to share with you some of the things we have accomplished during the last two years. There are some great things I believe will benefit our community that are in this year’s budget. I worked hard for Anson, Richmond, Rowan, Scotland and Stanly counties, and I believe that the legislation passed during my time so far as your senator will help grow and strengthen our rural communities. I have consistently voted to strengthen K-12 education, improve community colleges and state universities, and raise teacher pay.

Below please see some highlights from the past session:

Change Orders on School Construction Projects: As a primary sponsor of this bill, I felt strongly after spending time on the Richmond County School Board that it was needed to reduce delays and costs in construction for our local schools. The bill requires procedures to be put in place by local school boards to protect local taxpayers against abuse of change orders in school construction in North Carolina. It will save small and rural schools millions of dollars which can be used for other worthwhile benefits of educating our children.

North Carolina Farm Act of 2016: This act provides regulatory relief to the agricultural community by providing for various transportation and environmental reforms and by making various other statutory changes. Removing overzealous restrictions and regulations will improve efficiency for farmers.

Budget Updates

The two-year state budget continues the commitment made by Republican state leaders to dramatically raise teacher pay, cut taxes and promote economic growth in North Carolina. Highlights include:

· Average teacher pay will be boosted above $50,000 for the first time in state history. This will provide North Carolina public school teachers an average $4,700 permanent pay raise over the next three years. When fully implemented, it would mean average teacher salaries are up almost $10,000 – more than 20 percent – under Republican leadership since the 2013-14 school year. This will propel the state to the top of regional rankings. The budget also fully funds teacher assistant positions at the 2014-2015 level.

· I am happy to announce the budget creates a teacher assistant tuition reimbursement pilot program in Anson, Franklin, Moore, Richmond and Scotland counties, which will provide tuition reimbursement of up to $4,500 annually for 25 local TAs to pursue a college degree leading to teacher licensure. This is intended to counteract the teacher shortage in our district, in part due to Tier One status, and the severe need for qualified, homegrown teachers in our classrooms. With the success of this program, I hope it will become a statewide standard.

· The budget offers experienced-based step increases to State Highway Patrol troopers, clerks, teachers, assistant principals, principals, and magistrates, appropriates $16 million to boost pay for correctional officers, and provides a 4.5 percent pay raise to assistant district attorneys, public defenders and other judicial branch workers. This is a much needed raise for our state workers.

· I was an advocate from the beginning to give retirees a 1.5% cost of living adjustment, and during budget negotiations retirees were given a 1.6% cost of living bonus.

· The budget also gives a 1.5% permanent pay increase and 0.5% one-time bonus for state employees, and merit-based bonuses.

· It establishes an opportunity scholarship grant fund reserve of $34.8 million to award more need-based scholarships to children from working families and provides forward funding to add 20,000 children to the program over the next ten years. This will expand school choice allowing students more options and more access to education.

· The budget guarantees no in-state tuition increases for a standard undergraduate college term (usually 4 years) at all North Carolina public universities, not only providing certainty to families who are budgeting for college costs and taxpayers who heavily subsidize tuition, but also additional incentive to students to complete their degrees on time. It also freezes student fees – often used to fund non-academic expenses – at all North Carolina public universities at current levels and limits future increases. This helps ensure students will graduate with less student debt.

· It provides a community college tuition and registration fee waiver to firefighters, EMS, and rescue and lifesaving personnel, giving more people access to affordable education.

· Finally, it lowers tuition to Elizabeth City State University, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Western Carolina University to $1,000 per year for in-state students and $5,000 per year for out-of-state students, ensuring all North Carolinians have an affordable option. This will help attract new students to universities with lower enrollment, make those schools more stable and competitive and stimulate struggling regional economies that sometimes transcend the state’s borders. With UNC-P in our own backyard, this is a great opportunity for our area to get an affordable, high-quality college education close to home.

Pilot William Grant Kluttz, Jr. Arrested Monday for Alleged Sexual Battery with an Airport Employee at the Rowan County Airport


RFP Staff

♦  William Grant Kluttz, Jr.,70, a pilot formerly of Concord, N.C. and now living at 830 Eel Avenue in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, surrendered to Rowan County Sheriff’s Office on Monday when he learned he was being charged with sexual battery for an incident occurring at the start of July.  According to law enforcement sources, Kluttz was charged with sexual battery (misdemeanor).

William Grant Kluttz, Jr.:

The sexual battery allegedly took place at the airport when Kluttz joined in conversation with a female airport employee about Kluttz’s aircraft. The pilot allegedly fondled the woman’s buttocks and attempted to kiss her neck. The employee discontinued the conversation and told her supervisor about the incident who contacted the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office.

How Many Over-the-Air TV Channels Can You Receive from Your Location with an Antenna (Rabbit Ears or Outdoor Antenna)?

Avery Bostian and Bailey Haynes Arrested in Rowan County 5 Days Apart For Alleged Possession of Meth Precursor Chemicals


RFP Staff

♦ In the non-stop battle to shut down meth labs and bust their army of “chemists” in meth-plagued  Rowan County and Salisbury, N.C., Bailey Austin Haynes, 17, was arrested Tuesday by Rowan County Sheriff’s Office deputies at 128 Andrews Ford Road in Salisbury for the alleged possession of meth precursor chemicals.  His alleged co-chemist Avery Michael Bostian, 23, of Constance Court in China Grove was arrested on July 7th for the alleged the possession of immediate precursor chemicals.

Bailey Austin Haynes:

Michael Avery Bostian:

Avery Michael Bostian

Haynes was charged with Possession of immediate precursor chemicals (felony), possession of controlled substance Schedule VI (misdemeanor), and possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor). Under a secured $11,000 bond, he remains in the Rowan County detention Center. His first hearing is on July 15th.

Bostian was charged with possession of immediate precursor chemicals (felony) and 2 counts of possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor). Under a secured $6,500 bond Bostian remains in the Rowan County Detention Center. His first hearing is on July 15th.

Likely the alleged pair of meth chemists would’ve gone undetected awhile longer if a 6-six year old boy hadn’t found two backpacks hidden in some shrubbery at 128 Andrews Ford Road. The backpacks allegedly contained meth precursor chemicals including sulfuric acid that burned the boy’s upper body and face. Transported to the hospital and treated, the youngster is said to be on the way to recovery.

Security Stills: Smash N’ Grab Break-In on July 8th at Mikey’s One-Stop Convenience Store on 5810 South Main in Salisbury


RFP Staff

♦  The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance in identifying a smash n’ grab break-in suspect who stole merchandise from Mikey’s One Stop convenience store at 5810 S. Main in Salisbury on Friday July 8th.  The suspect hurled a cement block through the front glass door and then entered the store.

Security cam stills from Mikey’s One-Stop:

The suspect is described as a white male, average build, and in his 20’s. He was attired in a dark t-shirt, shorts, a visor hat, and wore flip-flops.

If you recognize the suspect or know anything about this break-in please contact Lt. Chad Moose (704) 216-8687 or Detective Travis Allen (704) 216-8715. You may also call Salisbury-Rowan Crime stoppers at 1-(866)-639-5245.

Mikey’s One-Stop Convenience Store on 5810 South Main in Salisbury:

Another Overdose Victim Tuesday on Bendix Drive’s Mo-Tel Row in Salisbury. Help is Available for Heroin, Meth, Crack, and Opiates


RFP Staff

♦ All Spring and into the Summer numerous overdoses, mostly from heroin, meth, and opiates, were reported in Salisbury.  A number of “miscellaneous bodies found”, attributable to drug overdoses, have occurred throughout the city. Addiction affects all social classes.  On Tuesday in the late afternoon Salisbury Police and a Salisbury Fire Department rescue vehicle answered a call to the Economy Inn at 319 Bendix Drive in Salisbury and removed someone on a gurney.  Mercifully their face was not covered with a sheet.

Salisbury Police and Fire Department answer a dispatch to the Economy Inn on 319 Bendix Drive in Salisbury:

Someone, without a sheet covering their face, is rolled out on a gurney:

While alcoholism and major narcotics abuse afflicts many in Salisbury, N.C., the city’s numerous treatment centers offer assistance for Alcoholism and Crack, Heroin, Opioid, and Meth Addiction. Salisbury also has a roster of Alcoholic’s Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and various faith-based sobriety groups operating in the city just about every night.

Alcoholism and drug addiction affects all levels of society from professionals to the homeless. Alcohol and narcotics abuse is strongly tied to Salisbury’s high crime statistics. Many persons arrested for violent and property crime are found with heroin, meth, crack, OxyContin and alcohol on their person.

Here is a current list of Salisbury’s drug and alcohol treatment centers. Assistance is around the corner and a phone call away:

• Veterans Affairs Medical Center Veterans Affairs Medical Center is an Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Program can be found at: 1601 Brenner Avenue, Salisbury, NC. 28144 (704) 638-9000(704) 638-9000×3189

• CHOICES Substance Abuse Services LLC CHOICES Substance Abuse Services LLC is a Drug Rehabilitation and Alcohol Treatment Center can be found at: 1121 Old Concord Road Salisbury, NC. 28146. (704) 637-7797.

• Rowan Regional Medical Center Rowan Regional Medical Center is an Alcohol Rehab and Drug Treatment Facility can be found at: 612 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury, NC. 28144 (704) 210-5061.

• Treatment Centers LLC Treatment Centers LLC is an Alcohol and Drug Rehab can be found at: 448 Jake Alexander Boulevard West, Salisbury, NC. 28147 (704)645-8539.

• Daymark Recovery Services Daymark Recovery Services is a Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Facility can be found at: 2129 Statesville Blvd., Salisbury, NC. 28147 (704) 633-3616.

• Carolina Counseling Services Carolina Counseling Services is a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program can be found at: 417 North Main Street, Salisbury, NC. 28144 (704) 636-5522.

• Family Therapy Institute Family Therapy Institute is an Alcohol and Drug Treatment Facility that can be found at: 420 Statesville Boulevard, Salisbury, NC. 28144 (704) 639-9889.


Armed Robbery Thursday Night At Kentucky Fried Chicken at 1006 Mooresville Road in Salisbury. $1,639 Taken at Gunpoint


RFP Staff

♦ According to Salisbury Police sources an armed robbery was reported Thursday around 10:44 p.m. at the Kentucky Fried Chicken at 1006 Mooresville Road in Salisbury.   Three KFC employees were forced to the floor in the manager’s office by two armed Black men wearing bandanas who came through the restaurant’s backdoor.

One gunman forced the employees into the manager’s office where he took their cell phones and had them open the safe. His partner emptied the cash register drawers into a bag. The original take was $1,639.

The police found the employee cell phones and the cash register drawers with half the stolen cash in shrubbery nearby soon after their arrival. An employee’s mother activated the “Find My Cell Phone App” which led to the stolen cellphones being located.

The robbers were said to be in their late teens to early 20’s and about 6 foot tall. One of the gunman wore a jogging suit and an American flag bandana while the other was attired in camouflage pants, a red bandana, and a white tank t-shirt.

The robbery remains under investigation. Security cam video may prove helpful in recognizing the 2 gunmen.

No arrests and no suspects at this time.

If you know anything about this armed robbery please call the Salisbury Police Department at 704-638-5333 or Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated as more information becomes available. This is a preliminary article.**

Salisbury: Billy Davis and Darnell Keith Arrested Friday for Alleged Kidnapping on East Innes and Arson Wednesday on East Franklin St.


RFP Staff

♦ According to Salisbury Police reports Billy Jerome Davis, 48, and Darnell Keith, 58, both of Salisbury were arrested early Friday morning for allegedly kidnapping Corry Tionne Summers, 32, of Beauty Street in Statesville.  The kidnapping allegedly took place at 325 East Innes Street and was allegedly accomplished by physically overpowering their victim.

325 East Innes Street where the alleged kidnapping took place is within site of Salisbury’s Square:

Billy Jerome Davis was charged with kidnapping (felony).  Under a secured $50,000 bond, Davis is being held in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Darnell Keith was charged with kidnapping (felony). Under a secured $100,000 bond, Keith is being held in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Billy Jerome Davis:

Darnell Keith:

Darnell Keith’s Previous Record:


**This article will be updated when more information arrives.**


In recent months a spike appears to be occurring in Salisbury arsons. Cars, houses, and buildings are being torched throughout the city. A few appear to be random acts of vandalism. On Wednesday around 11:02 p.m. the Salisbury Police responded to a call to home on the 800 block of East Franklin Street where it appeared to police investigators that a vandal set a deliberate fire and broke 2 windows in the rental property occupied by Tylijah Nyquiesha Nunn. Besides the windows, an RCA TV was damaged along with the floors. Damage was assessed at $850.

The 800 Block of East Franklin Street in Salisbury:

At present no arrests were made. The incident remains under investigation.

If you know anything about this vandalism/arson please call the Salisbury Police Department at 704-638-5333 or Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated when more information arrives.**

AT&T Says No to Salisbury’s Bogus “Right of Way” Tax Bill. Will AT&T’s Rejection of the City’s Scam Upend the City’s Budget?


RFP Staff

♦ The RFP was provided a copy of a letter from AT&T Corporate Counsel to City Attorney Rivers Lawther refusing to pay the Salisbury’s “right of way tax” of one dollar per linear foot for AT&T lines. The former state law once permitting this tax has “sunset” and now the state is collecting and reimbursing these fees. Does anyone actually believe the city didn’t get the state’s email? Or did they just ignore it and think they could “get over”? City Hall seems to have a huge disconnect with what’s going in the state and the real world for that matter. (The letter from AT&T’s counsel is posted at the end of this article)

Did City Hall actually believe Fibrant’s towering competitor and Fortune 500 Company was going to miss this and help putty over city’s budget hole or is this just more of the misfeasance we’ve come to expect from City Manager Lane Bailey and his alleged staff?

Perhaps the Rowan Free Press should forward the AT&T letter to Spectrum’s Counsel (TWC is now owned and operated by Spectrum since Charter bought out TWC and Bright House). Heaven forbid Salisbury’s City Hall tried the same scam on Spectrum.

The city’s proposed budget gives no clear picture of exactly how much of a hole this missing revenue will create in the city budget this year or the impact this will have on Police and other infrastructure needs already dying of starvation due to Fibrant’s massive deficit that plunders the entire city budget. Well run municipalities elsewhere are quite aware of this change in the state law.

North Carolina’s notoriously troubled municipal broadband Fibrant continues to lose a whopping $10,000 per day. Wouldn’t it be smart if the state lawmakers stepped in and ended Fibrant’s exemption, forcing the city to end its charade and bundle up Fibrant and its buildings back to the lenders? It would be great if Salisbury were run for a few years by the steady hand of the LGC–the sooner the better. Fibrant is a monster debacle facing $3.5 million dollars in losses this year alone and more staggering losses in the years ahead. People are leaving the Bury every day and for sale signs dot the Salisbury landscape like the white crosses at Arlington National Cemetery.

If folks really desired to see their bullet-riddled bedroom community come back up for some air and perhaps start an impossible comeback, they need to drop their Fibrant subscriptions so city hall’s hand is forced to jettison the “debacle”.

The AT&T Letter to City Attorney River’s Lawther:

Photo Gallery: Peace-Unity March in Support of “Black Lives Matter” Attracts Several Hundred Marchers to Salisbury on Saturday


RFP Staff

♦ The Peace-Unity March in support of “Black Lives Matter” went on today as planned in Salisbury.  In a difficult to estimate march, the crowd was said to be from 200 to as much 400 or more people.

At 12:30 p.m. people began to arrive at the staging area in Big Lots parking lot off of Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue.  The crowd there swelled to about 150 folks with people showing up later as the march got underway.  The “Black Lives Matter” march was a response to the two Black men shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Minneapolis, Minnesota and to the shooting deaths of 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas.  The three incidents motivated Rhonna Woodruff Oglesby to organize today’s protest.  Others joined with her in successfuly putting the march together.

In today’s peaceful protest no negative incidents occurred.  The Salisbury Police were present, but did not position Special Response Team members on roofs and no one was asked to leave any establishments in the Downtown area.  Patrol cars escorted the marchers all along their route from East Innes all the way to Park Sterling Bank.  Cordiality, brotherhood, and sisterhood accompanied the marchers during the entire route.

The March in Downtown Salisbury:

A small counter-protest occurred where vehicles streamed Confederate battle flags in the area of Captain D’s Seafood Restaurant.  The men and women there were polite as well.

All along the parade route the marchers, chanting “Black Lives Matter”, adhered to the center of East and West Innes Streets.  They passed the city’s iconic winged angel dedicated to fallen Confederates veterans without incident.  Today’s message was delivered in peace and harmony.

The marchers gathering together:

Don’t Shoot–Black Lives Matter:

NAACP President Scott Teamer says hello:

“Black Lives Matter”

Police patrol car provides an escort:

Outgoing NAACP President Scott Teamer speaks to the crowd:

Sisterhood at the March:

Captain Thompson and a friend:

The marchers commiserate:

What’s Become of Salisbury’s Ex-Police Chief and Housing Authority Security Guard Rory Collins?


RFP Staff

♦ One of the Earth’s grandest mysteries is what’s become of Salisbury’s Ex-Police Chief and Housing Authority security guard Rory Collins?  Is he running the streets of Salisbury with his half-brother and King of the Salisbury panhandlers Tony Rippey?  No sign of that yet.

The RFP poked around and got some answers from sources in the Salisbury Police Department and our friends in city hall.  They told us Rory went on the internet to sell junk from his mobile home.  He applied for a number jobs in law enforcement, but so far struck out.  Using his wits, he has embarked on two new careers: dispensing legal advice and putting himself forward as a private investigator.  We hope Rory doesn’t run afoul of the either the state bar association or the officials who oversee P.I. licenses.

Screen shots of Rory’s latest career paths:

Listing for licensed private investigators:


Deposition of Ex-Salisbury Police Chief Rory Collins (complete PDF.):


Board of Education Meeting at 5 P.M. on Monday July 18th at the Wallace Educational Forum on 500 N. Main Street in Salisbury

Salisbury: Derelict Busted Saturday for Allegedly Vandalizing City Property and Couple Arrested by Sheetz for Alleged Crack Possession


RFP Staff

♦ On Saturday at 10:09 p.m. the Salisbury Police were called to 102 Depot Street, a frequently vandalized property, where they arrested Steven Edward Rice, 38, of the streets of Salisbury, for allegedly trespassing and damaging City of Salisbury property. Damage to the property was said to be $1,000. Windows on the 100 block of Depot Street are chronic “rocking” targets for drifters passing through the area.

102 Depot Street in Salisbury:

Rice was charged with injury to personal property (misdemeanor) and trespass (2nd degree) (misdemeanor). Under a secured $2,500 bond, Rice remains in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Steven Edward Rice:

Steven Edward Rice’s Previous Record:



On Friday at 2:45 p.m. the Salisbury Police arrested Jessie Lee Toliver Hastings, 27, and her husband David Wayne Hastings, 31, of Salisbury for alleged possession of “crack”, drug paraphernalia, and child abuse by Sheetz on 1520 Jake Alexander Boulevard.

Both husband and wife were charged with possession with intent to manufacture/sell/distribute control substance schedule II (felony), possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor), and child abuse a general misdemeanor. Both are under a secured $15,000 bond. The couple remains in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Jessie Lee Toliver Hastings:

David Wayne Hastings:

David Wayne Hastings Previous Record:


Two Convicted Sex Offenders, Morgan “Moogie” McDuffie and Allen Melton, Arrested for Allegedly Failing to Register New Addresses


RFP Staff

♦ Morgan Taylor “Moogie” McDuffie, 22, formerly of 245 Gallimore Road in Salisbury, a registered sex offender convicted of crimes against nature (felony) and kidnapping a minor (felony) in Davidson County, was arrested Sunday in Rowan County by the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office. McDuffie, a 2013 West Rowan High Grad, was charged Sunday with failure to register as a sex offender (felony). Under a secured $25,000 bond, he remains in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Morgan Taylor “Moogie” McDuffie:

Morgan Taylor McDuffie’s Previous Record:



Allen Richard Melton, 48, a convicted sex offender and felon on the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office Most Wanted List, formerly of 220 Western Acres Drive in Kannapolis, was arrested Monday morning at 535 Western Acres Drive in Kannapolis. He was charged with sex offender failing to notify of change of address (felony). Under a secured $5,000 bond, Melton is being held in the Rowan County Detention. In 1994 he was convicted of taking indecent liberties with a minor.

Allen Richard Melton’s Previous Record:


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