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Salisbury: Armed Robbery Friday Evening at an Apartment on Henry Laurens Circle Disrupts a Gathering


RFP Staff

♦ Home invasions and guns being pulled on families and party goers in Salisbury appears to occur with some frequency. Occasionally a victim is wounded or killed while their dwelling is pillaged. Life goes on in Bury despite the clear and present danger.

On Friday July 22nd an armed robbery was reported in the 200 block of Henry Laurens Circle in circle. Colton Daniel Wood, 18, who lived there, was confronted by a robber’s handgun during a gathering of friends. During the course of the armed robbery a Sony video game player, 2 watches (Both a man’s and a woman’s), a necklace, and $20 in cash were given up to the robber.

No injuries were reported.

The hold-up remains under investigation.

If you know anything about this armed robbery please call the Salisbury Police Department at 704-638-5333 or Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated as more information arrives.**

Weeding Out Candidates Unsuited for Public Office: The Wolf-in-Sheep’s Clothing Test and The Unprepared Candidate’s Test


Steve Mensing, Editor

♦ It’s that time of the year when voters best take a very close look at candidates for public office or they will get stuck with someone for several years unsuited for the job. Voters better be aware of manipulative candidates, unprepared and unschooled candidates with inflated aspirations, and individuals unsuited for office due to anomalous brain conditions and emotional disorders. This article will focus on the “The Wolf-in-Sheep’s Clothing Test” and “The Unprepared Candidate’s Test”.

The Wolf-in-Sheep’s Clothing Test:

Just about every election season a wolf or two shows up donning the latest in wool. We’re talking about the wolf-in-sheep’s clothes–those unethical individuals who mislead others by omission, falsely claiming allegiance to a part of the political spectrum, and wearing two faces. These are those people we entrust with our votes, contribute money to their campaigns, and work hard for their election. Then once in office the sheep skins come flying off and they behave in office contrary to their supporter’s interests. If they’re real dyed-in-the-wool wolves they even get angry at us for daring to question their original motives.

Most agree its extremely sleazy to pretend to be someone you’re not and use people to get elected.

These wolves-in-sheep’s clothes or character disordered individuals can be noticed during the pre-election vetting process if we will take the time to ask “difficult” questions and probe these folks backgrounds.

Here is the “Political Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Test: Vetting the Manipulative Candidate”:

Omission. Does the candidate side-step an important issue? Prior to the campaign, the candidate avoids taking a stance on a very important issue or side-steps the issue by saying they’re undecided about it. Such a response better fire off the alarm bells and red flags. If they avoid such a stance–they will take a stance once elected and its guaranteed to be something you don’t want.

Two-faced. They say one thing to one person and something entirely different to another. Do they speak conveniently? The buzzer is sounding-–a political opportunist is on the loose and they desire to misappropriate your vote.

Falsely claims allegiance to a certain part of the political spectrum. Just before the campaign starts they ask people not to mention they belong to this affiliation. RED FLAGS. They are already donning the wooly robes.

A history of approval seeking. These individuals suffer from approvalitis. They are more likely to wear two faces and falsely claim allegiance to a certain part of the political spectrum just to curry favor.

Who are their regular political allies? Note who they hang with. Are their allies your allies? If not, they will likely support what you don’t want. This is a strong tipoff that Wolfikins is edging up on the henhouse.

How hard have they actually campaigned for people YOU’VE wanted in the past? They didn’t or they were lukewarm? Think about removing this person from your list.

Changeable Charley or flip-flopping on major issues. Often this person wavers back and forth on an issue important to you. Is it indecision? Changing your mind on something is okay–but too much back and forth hints challenges. Are they riding a fence until the right time–their right time and not yours? This is a slippery cousin of omission.

They are employed in jobs notorious for ethical bending and misleading customers. Sales jobs are a blinking light that manipulative folks flutter around. Not a good recommendation.

Do you trust this individual? Does your gut feeling say there’s something off with this individual?

Do they act in visibly manipulative and controlling ways? Be forewarned.

Do they try to quash tough questions? Have they thwarted having tough questions asked at political forums for fear they might get weeded out? A tipoff.

Related RFP articles on sociopaths and “Snakes in Suits Syndrome: White Collar Psychopaths in Politics and Business”:

The “Snakes in Suits Syndrome”: White Collar Psychopaths in Politics and Business

Dealing with the Sociopaths Among Us

The Unprepared Candidate’s Test:

Vetting for the unprepared candidate is a much simpler affair. The unprepared aspirant to public office sticks out like a sore thumb unless the voter is unprepared as well (These are the folks lack who basic discernment and will vote for anyone with an “R” after their name who claims to be a conservative and a follower of a popular religion or they have a “D” after their name and claims to be a progressive and attends ___________. Discerning voters will ask for much more in their candidates.

A legitimate candidate for public office best be quite knowledgeable about the office for which he or she is running and have a demonstrable knowledge of the issues. If they are the real deal they are vitally absorbed in what’s going on in the school board and school system, the county commission, and in city hall. They show up at meetings or watch them from start to finish on video. They are keenly interested in government and can tell you in detail what’s presently occurring in the office they seek. They regularly attend party meetings and not just at election time. They are active in the political process in some way and folks in their own party already know them. They are not “Johnnies Come Lately” or political dilatants.

Here is “The Unprepared Candidate’s Test:

At candidates forums, in the media interviews, and in responding to questions at party meetings they respond with shallow political clichés or go off topic offering a high sounding speech brimming with platitudes. “I want Salisbury to be that bright shinning city on the hill”. “I’m a positive person–I believe in collaboration.”

They are more interested in getting elected than the actual office itself. They tell others privately they want to be congressman or senator in the future even though they little understand the mechanisms of the lower office for which they currently aspire.

Many times the unprepared candidate suffers from “Dunning-Kruger Effect” where self-perception and illusions of superiority trick entertainers, politicians, and cities. The unprepared candidate shows little talent, skill, or knowledge for elected office. Often they have an overblown sense of self.

Dunning-Kruger Effect: When Distorted Self-Perception and Illusions of Competence Trick Entertainers, Politicians, and Cities

When blind-sided by a question in public they will fumble at repeating back the question and say it’s a great question in need of a fuller response. They’ll talk up getting back to the questioner when they have the opportunity to review the data.

In forums the unprepared candidate will often sound scripted and tense. Their delivery will be overly fast or very slow as they stumble around for something to say.

Rating the Best Performers in Low Cost/No Cost VOIP Phones: MagicJackGo, Google Voice, Ooma, and Walmart’s Basic Talk


Steve Mensing, Editor

♦ The day of the expensive home or office telephones is over. Today all home and office VOIP phones or landlines operate over the internet and are called Voice Over the Internet Protocol or VOIP. Because so much competition exists among VOIP phone providers, prices are generally super inexpensive and in some cases FREE. Surprisingly performance among most VOIP phones is pretty much the same even though there is a major disparity in price. The sound quality of a VOIP phone often depends on the connection speed of your internet. If you have a 12 Mbps or speedier connection your sound quality will generally be excellent. Know too that many Americans (an estimated 65% presently) are using their smart phones as a home phone. If you have a high-speed internet connection you can save a bundle by using low cost/no cost services like MagicJackGo, Google Voice, Ooma, and Walmart’s “Basic Talk”.

Let’s look at 2016 best buys/performers available in VOIP phones:

• The MagicJackGo VOIP phone, introduced in 2014, is an outrageously good performer. It can be used at home or in a small office and is $59 dollars (less during special deals) for the whole first year along with their software gizmo. The MagicJackGo’s price drops after the first year and MagicJackGo offers great deals to re-up. I use its terrific MagicJack App on my IPAD and use my IPAD as phone. I also installed the MagicJackGo on my PC and its high definition sound is outstanding. The App can be installed on a most smart phones and tablets for mobility and cost savings as well. MagicJackGo’s possesses unsurpassed High-Def sound. http://www.magicjack.com/magicJackGO.html

• No major VOIP phone provider can beat Google Voice’s price which is FREE and likely the equal of many VOIP phones out there. Google Voice has numerous bells and whistles and can be integrated with cell phones, reducing their rates. It’s difficult to compete with FREE. Find out more about Google Voice here: http://www.google.com/googlevoice/about.html

• An excellent choice, especially if you are a small business or have several persons in your office, is the pricier Ooma (It’s still far less expensive than any major internet provider’s business VOIP networks and outperforms their VOIPs. It’s sound, features, and ease of use make Ooma a top performer. It’s rated as the top performer by just about every consumer rating service. Learn about Ooma here: http://www.ooma.com/products/

• Walmart partnered with Vonage and sells their VOIP phone under the name “Basic Talk”. It’s 9.99 a month and its initial hardware is inexpensive. Walmart’s “Basic Talk” is excellent for home or small office use. It’s basically Vonage with Walmart’s “Basic Talk” name on it.


Salisbury: Marvin Tart, Sex Offender, Arrested Wednesday Allegedly for a Sex Offense and Failure to Report a Change of Address


RFP Staff

♦ On Wednesday morning Marvin Eric Tart, 42, a convicted sex offender, was arrested by the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office allegedly for the charges of failure to notify of change of address (felony) and  for sex offense–use of a social website (felony).  He is being held without bond at the Rowan County Detention Center.

Tart, a commercial window washer in Salisbury and an ex-Boone Police officer who was a 9-year veteran of the deaprtment, was convicted of 3rd degree sexual exploitation of a minor (child pornography) in 2008 after an investigation of the North Carolina Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Marvin Eric Tart’s Previous record:


Rowan County Commission Chairman Greg Edds Spews Negativity in the Last Days of Salisbury


Todd Paris, Staff Writer and Salisbury Attorney

♦ I’ve been quiet for a few days reveling in the sense of satisfaction that the even the Salisbury Post has tried their hand at the truth about some of the issues that RFP has been championing for the past four years about the crime and poverty in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. The Post’s “Editorial: Salisbury Faces Facts” on July 26th 2016 (which might be mistaken for one RFP’s) concludes, “People who insist we talk only about positives hold the city back from making needed improvements.”

The RFP has often been accused of being the “bearded crank with the signboard” who marches back and forth at the city gates, proclaiming “The end is near.” Since these public admissions, I find myself being halted repeatedly by citizens who say, “Wow, everything you and Mensing were saying turned out to be true!” Indeed!

Revelations disclosed in the print media include: city residential vacancies having gone from 9 percent to 14.5 percent, a poverty rate among families with children that rose from 19.5 percent to 35 percent since 2000, and median family incomes adjusted for inflation that fallen by almost 27 percent since 2000. Hey Marge, ready to call the realtor?

Local elected politicians seem disturbed by these inconvenient truths, including but not limited to our newly elected Rowan County Commission Chairman Greg Edds, who apparently “popped the cork” on his Facebook page soon after this information was published. That this information should come from a source so highly influenced and supportive of Salisbury’s wealthy ruling cabal is all the more telling.

Edds says, “The reality and depth of our fall is hard to accept and painful to admit.” “Those that actively work against progress then criticize the results are a cancer on the community and need to be labeled as such.” A copy of this FaceBook Post is here for your edification and study.

Here’s your “tumor”, Greg. I have been associated with Greg Edds since 2014. I personally fought against his election in 2014, and can tell you that based upon personal experience, that the English language lacks sufficient negative aadjectives to express my true lack of regard for Chairman Edds. If I asked Chairman Edds for directions to Taco Bell, I would fully expect to be dining on KFC at dinner.

However, wondering if Chairman Edds is disturbed by the truth leaking out, even in “their” local paper, RFP has decided to provide the attached form for “aggrieved” elected officials and their highly paid bureaucratic shills to submit so as to assuage their hurt feelings. These folks know who they are.

Rowan Free Press Complaint Report

The Rowan Free Press, really cares about your feelings and wishes to know exactly how we have hurt them. In order to speed this along we ask that you to check off the following information:

Date and Title of Article ________________________________________

The article has: (Check one of the following)

(  ) Prevented me from performing an illegal act (like giving away government land to an anonymous LLC for free.)

(  ) Exposed that I as an elected official have done something stupid in the past or am planning something stupid in the future. (like Fibrant or the “Option A” county-wide school busing of over 5K elementary school students.)

(  ) Exposed an inconvenient truth that we were trying to keep hidden. (Like Fibrant is not turning “a modest profit,” but is in fact losing $10,000 per day.)

(  ) Published true crime stories that have “slipped past” the local media and allowed the public to know how bad things are. “Bum Rips Cellphone Off a Teen then Stomps Him”

(  ) Exposed embarrassing crime and educational statistics that we would as soon keep quiet.

(  )  Interfered with the Salisbury’s wealthy ruling cabal’s plans to benefit Salisbury at the expense of the rest of the county.

(  ) Pointed out that quasi-governmental units like RowanWorks and DSI are failing miserably. “Salisbury’s Slide the City Cancelled!”

(  ) Forced my bud Rory Collins into “early retirement.”

(  ) Finally forced the local print media to admit how bad things are in this town.

(  ) Prevented me from ruling over Rowan as regent and ruler and crumbling the will of other elected officials by frequent lunches.

(  ) Exposed future public works projects for the expensive and useless boondoggles they are.

(  ) By making it hard for us to waste public money on public works projects that are stupid and serve no real public purpose.

(  ) Exposed that our expensive BoE computer give-away has failed miserably and that our School Superintendent is a colossal failure.

(  ) Prevented the busing of over 5,000 rural elementary school kids in towards Salisbury, which would have surely saved “our fair city.”

(  ) Other _____________________________________________________________

Please note that while we care, we do not care like a “Care-bear” and may use this information to torment you into becoming an honest public servant and furthermore, that our fondest wish is that when a commission, council or board of elected officials meet and have bad news that they would rather the public not know, that someone will say, “What if RFP finds out.”


Name and date

Greg Edds, Before He Became the Face of Negativity Since His 1,000 Hours of Economic Development Study.

Salisbury: Woman Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Two Vehicles and Ronnie Carr Collared for Allegedly Disturbing the Peace at Food Lion


RFP Staff

♦ On Thursday the Salisbury Police report that Christy Michele Parciael AKA Christy Michele Lewis, 35, of 5275 Long Ferry Road in Salisbury, was arrested for allegedly violating parole and stealing two cars.  Officers arrested Parciael at Sheetz filling station on 1520 S. Jake Alexander Boulevard at 12:45 a.m.

Parciael was charged with 2 counts of larceny motor vehicle (felony) and parole violation (felony). Under a secured $10,000 bond she is in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Christy Michele Parciael AKA Christy Michele Lewis:

Christy Michele Parciael’s Previous Record:



♦  The historic first Food Lion supermarket on 123 Mahaley Avenue, like other Supermarkets in Salisbury, is visited by panhandlers, shoplifters, and occasionally the loud and the unruly.  Last Tuesday customers complained about the odd behavior of one of its “visitors” identified later as Ronnie Carr, 44, of the streets of Salisbury who allegedly became loud and inchoherent. The Salisbury Police responded to a call at 8:03 p.m. and arrested Carr allegedly for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Ronnie Carr was charged with disorderly conduct (non-specific) disturbing the peace (misdemeanor) and resist/delay/obstruct a public officer (misdemeanor). Under a secured $3,000 bond, Carr was placed in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Ronnie Carr:

Ronnie D. Carr’s Previous Record:


Salisbury: Man Shot-to-Death Friday Morning in a Wooded Area Behind the Zion Hill Apartments on Standish Street


RFP Staff

♦ Friday at 8:30 a.m. the Salisbury Police were called to the Zion Hill Apartments on the 1600 block of Standish after receiving the report of residents hearing multiple gunshots being fired in a wooded area behind the apartment complex’s playground.  Officers soon located an unidentified man laying dead in the woods. Salisbury Police vehicles quickly filled up the area of the developing homicide scene.

Investigators fanned out through the apartment complex, knocking on doors attempting to find witnesses who might be able provide information about the homicide.  The deceased’s name has not been released.

If you have any information about this homicide please call the Salisbury Police Department at 704-638-5333 or the Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated throughout the day as information arrives.

Malinda Mauney Arrested Friday and Charged with Arson for the July 21st House Fire on Pine Ridge Road in China Grove


RFP Staff

♦ Malinda Stokes Mauney, 37, of 625 Old Linn Road in China Grove was arrested Friday and charged with arson for allegedly setting fire to an unoccupied home being remodeled at 1445 Pine Ridge Road near China Grove. The home was heavily damaged by the fire on July 21st and called an arson by fire investigators soon afterwards. The home was being remodeled by the owner Steven Shuffler, 35, and Mauney who planned to make it their home.

The alleged motives and methods for the arson have not yet disclosed by the Rowan County Fire Marshal’s Office and the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office who investigated the fire.

Mauney was charged with arson–2nd degree (felony) and burning of certain buildings (felony). Under a secured $20,000 bond, she was placed in the Rowan County Detention Center and has since been released on bond.

Melinda Stokes Mauney:

City of Salisbury, N.C.’s Budget Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Fibrant Again Showing Massive Losses

Salisbury: Jehon Davis Arrested for Alleged Trespassing at the Marriott Hotel and Roy Drye, Jr., Jailed for Alleged Child Porn Videos


RFP Staff

♦ On July 28, 2015 Salisbury Police Department reports they were summoned to the Courtyard Marriott at 120 Marriott Circle, in Salisbury, N.C. at 5:58 p.m. on the report of a trespasser.

A “Magistrate’s Order” obtained from the Rowan County Clerk of Court in case file 16CR 53727, indicates one “Jehon Davis,” d/o/b 10-27-1979, of 100 Wellington Drive, Salisbury, North Carolina was charged with Second Degree Trespass on July 28th at the Courtyard Marriott by Salisbury Police Officer Johnson who indicated this individual did “unlawfully and willfully did without authorization remain on premises of the Courtyard Marriott “after having been notified not to enter or remain there by the person in charge of the premises.”

A copy of the magistrate’s order, booking photo and release order concerning this incident, all public records, are posted below.

Magistrate’s Order for Jehon Davis’s Arrest:


Jehon Davis:

The conditions of release and release order indicate this individual was released on a $300.00 secured bond and their first court date is on August 23rd.

The Courtyard Marriot hailed as Salisbury’s Premier Hotel:


On Friday Roy Howard Drye, 67, of Salisbury was charged with allegedly 8 counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor (felony). Dryes’s charges are allegedly based upon his viewing child porn videos. One video contained pornographic images of an 11 year-old girl while another video showed a 12 year-old girl.

Under a secured S10,000 bond, Drye was placed in the Rowan County Detention Center until he was released on bail.

Roy Howard Drye, Jr.:

Salisbury: Michael Trapp, Felon and Sex Offender, Arrested for Allegedly Breaking into Murphy’s Express Saturday Morning


RFP Staff

♦ The burglaries, stick-ups, and unsolved murders are piling up in 2016 in Salisbury, rated by two websites as the “9th Most Dangerous City in North Carolina”.  Adding to the annals of unusual crime and no doubt a product of Salisbury’s long hot summer is a crime report that landed on our desk.  On Saturday morning at 2:21 a.m. Murphy’s Express at 1010 Freeland Drive, a neighbor of the city’s number one retailer Walmart, reported being the victim of a burglary. Somebody burgled 2 cans of malt liquor.

Murphy’s Express at 1010 Freeland Drive in Salisbury:

Michael Ray Trapp, 59, a convicted felon and registered sex offender of the streets of Salisbury, was arrested allegedly for burglary and unlawful entry at Murphy’s Express Friday where he was alleged to purloin 2 cans of Icehouse Edge Malt Liquor. Within an hour of the alleged breaking and entry, Trapp was arrested and charged with breaking and entering–a building (felony) and larceny to violation of GS 14-51,53, 54, 54.1, 57 (felony).

Michael Ray Trapp’s Previous Record:


Monday’s County Commission Closed Session about Rescuing Tuscarora Yarns from a Taxpayer-Protecting “Clawback Provision”


Todd Paris, Staff Writer and Salisbury Attorney

♦ I received an instant message on Facebook Sunday Morning, drawing my attention to a county commission agenda item on for Monday. There may be a closed session discussion about rescuing Tuscarora Yarns from a taxpayer-protecting “clawback provision” in their economic development tax incentives contract with the county.

The whole proposition is foolish from the start. When Tuscarora Yarns forced the tax abatement scheme upon our county commission, we were reassured by the EDC and a majority of county commissioners that a ‘fail-safe’ existed in the form of the ‘claw-back provision’, and that if they did not perform as promised, with the requisite number of ‘good-paying’ jobs, then they would lose the tax break, and even have to refund some of the already abated taxes the county had reimbursed them.

Jim Sides fought for and won the additions of the “claw-back” provisions to these incentive agreements. If the county did everything we were supposed to do and the corporation didn’t, why would we refund them money?

So now, under Greg Edds’s leadership, the Commission turns their eyes toward the corporate welfare out of the county’s coffers.

While I have no proof, and it’s just conjecture thus far, I was told that often these incentives are said to be set up between the companies and private “site selectors” to allow the site selectors to receive a large percentage of the tax abatements that the public thinks are going to the company. I’ve further been told these agreements between the site selectors and the corporation are private and not part of the public record. Tuscarora Yarns, should this be the case and if forced to repay taxes already abated, might renege on the incentives they pay to the intermediary third-party who lubricated the wheels of government for them in the first place. It might make some wonder if tomorrow the commissioners are just rescuing a “site selector.”

Were I on the Commission, before I would consider any waiver of sums due, I’d demand a full copy of any agreement that might exist with any “site selector” or private actor that benefited from this tax abatement and would release it to the public.

If this is going on, whether with Tuscarora or others, this practice needs to be exposed to the bright light of public inquiry to determine if this is an effective way of luring new industry. Do these private site selectors and consultants provide valuable services or could their job be done by city and county employees who are pro-development? If potential businesses are approached by these people does it give the impression that Rowan is a “closed shop? Who checks for conflicts of interest?

Of course, this is all going to be discussed in “closed session.” Is this legal? N.C. Gen. Stat. 143-318.11. (4) allows closed meetings:

“To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that may be offered by the public body in negotiations, or to discuss matters relating to military installation closure or realignment. Any action to approving the signing of an economic development contract or commitment, or the action authorizing the payment of economic development expenditures, shall be taken in an open session.”

It would seem that discussing an agreement to rebate or not seek monies to be paid under an incentive agreement which is already public record, would be an action approving the signing of an economic development contract’s modification and require a public meeting.

I call on the Commission to dispel the rumors and handle this issue in open session and “get to the bottom of it.” The public deserves to know where its money their money is going.

The RFP article announcing the closing of Tuscarora Yarns and the tragic loss of 123 jobs:

Tuscarora Yarns in China Grove, N.C. Closes It Doors. In Another Major Blow to Rowan County’s Economy 123 Jobs are Tragically Lost

Christopher Evans Robbed at Gunpoint Sunday Afternoon on 600 West Thomas Street in Salisbury. Gives Up $200 to Robber


RFP Staff

♦ Salisbury Police sources reported that Christopher Evandal Evans, 25, of the 1100 block of Barbour Street in Salisbury, was robbed at gunpoint at 600 West Thomas Street and gave up $200 dollars in cash to the robber(s).  The crime was reported at 3:25 p.m. Sunday  During a scuffle Evans came away with severe lacerations.  The victim, according to police sources, other than alleging a handgun was used in the commission of the crime, refused to cooperate with officers in identifying the perpetrator(s).

600 West Thomas Street where the armed robbery took place Sunday in Salisbury, N.C.

If you have any information about this armed robbery please call the Salisbury Police Department at 704-638-5333 or the Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated as more information arrives.**

Video: Rowan County Commission Meeting on Monday, August 1st at 3 P.M. West End Plaza Master Plan Unveiled

Chairman Greg Edds’s Proposed Entry Signs for I-85’s Entrances into Rowan County. Latest Rebranding Effort Drawing Snickers


RFP Staff

♦ Yesterday at the Rowan County Commission meeting Chairman Greg Edds unveiled his and Jim Green’s proposed entry signs for I-85’s two entrances (North and South) into Rowan County.  Had Edds studied aesthetics at his alma mater Bob Jones University?  His proposed signs certainly were eye-catching.  Were they inspired by Six Flags Amusement Park? Or some other form of garishness?

A Six Flags Amusement Park:

Edds alleges that Rock Hill’s sign is his inpriation for Rowan’s two proposed signs:

Rock Hill Sign the Inspirtion

Edds’s Proposed sign rendered by architect Bill Bergin:

Greg Edds wrote on Facebook yesterday: “Three reasons to build these signs. 1) Passers by will see these signs and may be inclined to stop HERE for gas, food, lodging. 2) When companies are traveling to Rowan during an economic development visit, there’s no doubt that they will remember us, and 3) We, as Rowan residents, really need to begin to believe in ourselves and start thinking better of ourselves. There’s a lot we have to work on for our community to get better, but it certainly won’t hurt if we start thinking more highly of ourselves.

These signs aren’t cheap. They will run about $325,000 each. Vice Chairman Greene and I have spent the last couple of weeks raising private sector support to offset those costs and as of today have raised about $171,000 toward the cost of the first sign. The remainder of the cost will come out of new sales tax revenues that the state requires we spend on economic development. Advertising falls under that category and these will certainly be advertising Rowan!

We will build the first sign just south of the southbound lane of the Yadkin River Bridge. Right as you come off the bridge heading south the sign will be on the right. The southern sign will be built after construction completed on I-85.”

It appears quite a bit of money was frittered away on county rebranding and now two vanity signs. Sadly Rowan County has enormous barriers to economic development. Horrific schools, violent crime, lack of employment, and soaring poverty in Salisbury the county seat.

We don’t doubt people traveling on I-85 will comment: “Holy Cow, who are these people?” when they enter Rowan. They may be more curious about whoever was behind putting up these signs.

Letter-to-the-Editor: Salisbury’s New Central Park–Needle Park II or Wilding Green?


Rabbi Will McCubbins, China Grove

♦ Sometimes I’ve got to wonder about the City of Salisbury and its ability to pay attention to current reality. The other day I heard about the Blanche and Julian Robertson Family Foundation buying a large city block in the Bury with visions of transforming it into a Central Park in an area bounded by West Innes Street, South Church Street, West Fisher Street, and South Jackson Street. The Robertson Foundation is set to purchase this turf and its structures (The Bell Tower, the Session House, the Gazebo Park, the Session House, and the Wrenn House) from the Maxwell Chambers Trust for $1.75 million dollars. Close by are the Rowan Public Library, First Methodist Church, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and First Presbyterian Church.

Seriously I hate raining on anyone’s parade, but simple observation of the foot traffic through that area, the muggings and stick-ups that happen on West Fisher, South Jackson and on the that block itself ought wake people up about the safety in a future Central Park. Many homeless people and drifters hang out on the 2nd floor of the library. It’s real that old syringes get flipped into restroom trashcans or get left in the toilet stalls. People “nod out” in the restrooms and in library chairs. As long as they don’t hassle anyone they are mostly left alone.

Picture the attraction of park benches and shrubbery in the new Central Park. Just sayin’. Before long the needle crowd, panhandlers, and the more aggressive types passing through the area looking to mug someone for some dope money or scoring a purse will show up. It’s a given.

Miscellaneous body found in park:

What I’m saying is that the new Central Park will turn ot just like the Gateway Park between East Innes Street and the Depot. What the locals call Needle Park because of all the dirty syringes laying around the fountain and by the benches. You walk through there and you’ll get panhandled. No young couples go strolling through there unless they don’t know better and they won’t be going to Central Park either once the needle crowd, panhandlers, and bad “intentioned” make it their daylight digs.

I have no doubt when the opportunity presents itself that the muggers, purse snatchers, or worse–some bad hombres drag a female into the shrubby and have their way with her. Let’s not fool ourselves–this Salisbury.

Think things through before you put up benches and plant shrubbery in Needle Park II. The Police can’t be everywhere.

I caution everyone to get a concealed carry permit and take classes in concealed carry. If you live in the Bury it’s a must. Stay safe my friends.

Gateway Park AKA “Needle Park” AKA “Panhandler Square” in Salisbury, N.C. to Get Colored Lights? Another City Hall Tease?

UPDATED: Salisbury: Domestic Dispute Goes Ballistic at Colonial Village Apartments Tuesday. Gunman Allegedly Fires into Apartment


RFP Staff

♦ Tuesday Salisbury Police Sources reported officers were dispatched to the Colonial Village Apartments at 11:53 a.m. on 231 D Avenue in Salisbury on a report of multiple gunshots being fired into an apartment.  When they arrived they learned Thaaeus Aakeem Minter, 24, of Salisbury had allegedly fired into an apartment and received return gunfire allegedly from Deshunta Jaquan Hyde, 22, of Lincolnton Road in Salisbury.

Several children, playing on the apartment complex playground, were ushered to safety by a neighbor.  No injuries were reported at the scene.  The shooting incident was said to be an escalating domestic dispute.

Minter was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, (felony), discharging a firearm into an occupied property (felony), carrying a concealed gun (misdemeanor). Under a secured $100,000 bond, Minter is being held in the Rowan County Detention Center.

Thaddeus Akkeem Minter:

Colonial Village Apartments:

Minter fled through a wooded area toward BB&T Bank and Rite Aid Pharmacy on Jake Alexander Boulevard.  Police, already in the area, arrested the suspect without further incident.

Thaddeus Aakeem Minter’s Previous Record:


**This article will be updated as soon as more information becomes available.**

North Carolina Parents Give Statewide Virtual Public School High Marks in First Year


Press Release

♦ North Carolina Connections Academy Parents Rank Curriculum, Teachers and Technology Among Top Reasons for Overall Satisfaction with the Online School

(Durham, NC – August 2, 2016) – Parents across North Carolina have given North Carolina Connections Academy (NCCA), the state’s full-time, tuition-free, online public charter school for grades K-10 high marks in its first year. According to the 47th Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools, 88% of parents gave the overall NCCA online school program an “A” or “B” grade.

NCCA’s scores stand well above public school ratings, in which 70% of public school parents gave the school their oldest child attends an “A” or “B” grade.

Satisfaction with North Carolina Connections Academy (NCCA):

88% of parents gave the overall NCCA online school program an “A” or “B” grade
According to the 47th Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools, NCCA’s scores stand well above public school ratings, in which 70% of public school parents gave the school their oldest child attends an “A” or “B” grade
91% of parents would recommend NCCA to parents whose children are not enrolled in the program
80% of parents are more satisfied with the NCCA program than their child’s/children’s previous school
94% of parents say their child/children are satisfied with NCCA’s program
93% of parents agree that their child/children are making good progress at NCCA
88% of parents agree that their child/children are enjoying the program
Satisfaction with NCCA teachers:

95% of parents are satisfied with the helpfulness of their NCCA teachers
90% of parents agree that the teachers improve the learning experience
91% of parents rate the response time of NCCA teachers as excellent or good
Satisfaction with NCCA curriculum:

90% of parents agree that they are satisfied with the variety of learning activities provided by the program
89% of parents agree that the program is flexible
94% of parents agree that the curriculum is high quality
94% of parents agree that the use of technology is improving the learning experience
Why Are Students in Grades K-9 Going to School Completely Online?

(Reasons for choosing NCCA)

44% require or want greater flexibility
36% want a change from their local school
33% want a safe learning environment
24% of their parents want more involvement with child’s education
13% have health concerns
8% attend to pursue the arts or sports*
6% cited bullying in a previous school*
*Indicates parents’ most significant reason for enrolling their student

NCCA has families enrolled in 94 of North Carolina’s 100 counties. If you are interested in talking to a family in your area, please reach out to Jill Hammergren, at 919-805-1061 or jill@themediapro.biz

Enrollment for the 2016-17 school year for North Carolina Connections Academy is now underway, for more information visit http://www.NorthCarolinaConnectionsAcademy.com

About North Carolina Connections Academy

North Carolina Connections Academy (NCCA) is a tuition-free, online public charter school for students in grades K-10. The school, approved in February 2015 by the North Carolina State Board of Education, began delivering a fully-accredited education in the 2016-2016 school year. NCCA provides students with the flexibility to learn from anywhere there is an Internet connection and with an innovative online school curriculum that meets rigorous state education standards. The combination of certified North Carolina-based teachers, an award-winning curriculum, engaging electives, technology tools, and social experiences provides a supportive online learning opportunity for students who want an individualized approach to education. Grade 11 will be added for school year 2017-18 and Grade 12 for year 2018-19. For more information, call 919-224-4040 or visit http://www.NorthCarolinaConnectionsAcademy.com.

Burglars Break into Mid South Tractor on 914 Webb Road Tuesday and Haul Off $34,000 in High-End Mowing Equipment


RFP Staff

♦ Sources in the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report that burglars broke into the agricultural machinery sales giant Mid South Tractor on 914 Webb Road late Tuesday afternoon and hauled away $34,000 in high-end mowing equipment.  Being called a larceny after breaking and enter, the thieves stole four Kubota Zero Turn Mowers and a Kubota Grass Catcher

Mid South Tractor Company

Law enforcement experts on the RFP Staff view Tuesday’s burglary as the probable work of a professional interstate breaking and entering gang who preys on agricultural machinery sales firms in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.

The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office is continuing the investigation.  At this time they have not released the names of any suspects.

If you know anything about this breaking and entry incident please call the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office at 704-216-8687 or the Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

**This article will be updated as soon as more information arrives..**

SALISBURY SENIOR ALERT: It’s Summer and Strong Arm Robbers and Purse Snatchers are Preying on the Elderly throughout the City


RFP Staff

♦  It’s summer now and all over Salisbury , N.C. the police bulletins and news blotters are reporting seniors being mugged, having their purses snatched, or being strong armed.  It happening in chain store parking lots, fast food spots, supermarkets, unsecured hospital waiting areas, in Fulton Heights, by outdoor ATMs, by payday loans, bus stops–just about anywhere elderly men and women appear with visible handbags, packages, and purses. The elderly are easy prey because they often lack the strength and speed to fight off a teen to 30 year old.

On Tuesday afternoon Virginia Ellen Graves, 86, a Korean War Vet, who served as a nurse, was slammed to the ground and had her pocketbook almost yanked from her arm while she managed a cane and her groceries.  The incident took place at the corner of West Liberty and North Fulton Streets and was over in seconds before the purse snatcher fled empty-handed up West Liberty Street.  Graves made a trip to the hospital where she was treated for cuts and scrapes to her arms and a head bruise before her release.

The corner of West Liberty and North Fulton Streets in Salsibury:

Her mugger was described as a Black man in his 20’s who wore a tan sleeveless shirt.

If anyone knows about the strong arm robber they are urged to call the Salisbury Police at 704-638-5333 or the Salisbury-Rowan Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.

Tips on Preventing Street Assaults and Purse Snatchings::

SHOTZBURY: Tips on Preventing Street Assaults

DOWNTOWN SALISBURY, N.C. ALERT: The Holidays Bring a Dramatic Upswing in Purse Snatching, Muggings, and ATM Stick-Ups

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